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Above all in a sentence

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Sentence count:174+6Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: first and lastmost especiallymost importantlySimilar words: leave aloneover and overgive awayserve ashave a ballarrive athealsealMeaning: adv. 1. above and beyond all other consideration 2. taking everything together. 
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151 Jane stands head and shoulders above all the other stuents in the exam.
152 Above all, the therapeutic cloning is of positive value and should be fully supported in ethics.
153 Never had she been seen so busy, so studious, and above all, so active.
154 Above all, the service advantage that wants unturned to increase a business and gather capability.
155 Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you.
156 For when we are deeply mournful discordant above all others is the voice of mirth.
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157 But doesn't St. Thomas Aquinas praise love above all other virtues?
158 The article analysed the property right foundation of labor - capital relations above all.
159 And above all, when you follow a 2 - hour oration, remember to keep It'short.
160 Party history research is a science above all, also be propagandist tool at the same time.
161 The travail of nationhood required above all economic and social progress.
162 As a policy[], we will stick to that mandate and prioritise our service above all else.
163 Above all , says Papert Lercari, it can endow future adults with an appreciation of music.
164 Above all, he seems to move at his own languid pace.
165 We are of all wars above all of dynastic wars.
166 Above all, negative feedback can be corrected a timely manner.
167 We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars.
168 The basis for an effective solution of population problems is, above all, socioeconomic transformation.
169 Above all, IDES shows you the possibilities of the integrated applications in the SAP System.
170 After above all, we will mastery the collectivity situation and disquisition about the piano checking – grade.
171 Above all, he sees Europe as it is: a fractious collection of 27 members.
172 Prometheus bestowed on his creation the gift of fire, which raised man above all animals.
173 Above all, results suggest that we must notice the follow - up , the postnatal development of LBWI especially.
174 Should sow sunshine asperse in others heart, there must be sun in him heart above all.
More similar words: leave aloneover and overgive awayserve ashave a ballarrive athealsealrealrevolve aroundhave a good timeaboutreallyrealmlabordeal inappealhealthdealerdeal outwealthgo aboutget aboutrealizewealthya body ofcome aboutknow aboutcare aboutset about
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